Thursday, March 31, 2011


"you know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss


should I unfold my love story?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


as much I as I claim to be an over achiever, this is one matter I no longer think I am fit for. Therefore, I withdraw myself.


Can you tell who's the photographer and who's the poser? :p

Beach Wedding, FTW!

 beach wedding, FTW!

My mother has a land in Terengganu, and the beach is the backyard, this would be perfect! If only ... sigh! As much as I want an intimate wedding, that isn't happening! Iman and I both come from large tight knit family ... and you know what they say ... the more the merrier!

Table settings.

Image courtesy of Oncewed.

This is tres awesome! I'd love this kind of table setting for my wedding!


 us @ Brighton Beach '09

only a day and I miss him already. sigh. How to go Zanzibar or Mecca like this? have to wait until we are hand fasted  I suppose... :D


I have never been this frighten... the notion alone leaves me clad in tears ...


I would have succumbed to my tears if my blog had vanished!

*hugs blog*

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'd disappear and go unnoticed.

the bedroom is where my heart is at.

I reckon, a bedroom is the most sacred room of all rooms in a house. Next to the kitchen of course... oh and bathroom ;) 

or Perhaps, Mecca would be more of an ideal place.

image courtesy of Simplypi

Waka Waka

I find myself in utmost peace when I am surrounded by the tranquil mix of gleaming white sand beaches and azure waters.  I am in dire need of a beach holiday! 

I have just the place in mind! Zanzibar, East Africa. 

I can already envisage what picturesque photos I'll be capturing …! 

Image courtesy of Concierge 


My mother reckons I look like a drug addict these days ... 

I took this 5 minutes ago, I think I look fine? 

wedding ring settings.

I came across some less flamboyant settings that I would consider as my wedding ring (if Iman likes it too of course!).

very pretty no?


I don't want to start nattering about my discontentment! but....

يا الله، يرجى احتواء غضبي، واسمحوا لي أن أكون قوية لعدم رمي قبضة بلدي في وجهها! انها لا تستحق ابن عمي!

Monday, March 28, 2011

the commencement of step 4 of 5.

I have to start surveying location, material search, wedding budget, caterers, vendors, designing the invitation cards, gift favors, theme color.. oh oh did I miss anything out?

Sailing to you.

I would love an intimate beach wedding with deco such as above, so cute!

Her 26th birthday on the 26th.

We had a meek surprise for my cousin Kyun after my event adjourned. Her sister and I had been planning to surprise her 3 weeks prior... and since we both know she loves eclairs we shaped the eclairs like a cake :D 

Happy 26th Kak kyun! May Allah S.W.T hear your hopes and dreams and bless you :) ameen.


my mind is pregnant with thoughts... how do I resolve this calamity when it is partly not any of my concern? 

I really wish I could help ...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

One of my favorite with Auntie Ros :)

ps/ except my hand posture ... -_-

A close up shot of my booking ring :)

 by Her 

الحمد لله

Allah S.W.T you've been too kind. Alhamdulilah. 


I love this photo of Iman and his siblings :) 

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I am now betrothed to Iman :) 


more photos here!

Images courtesy of Asyraf Lee, Uncle Jak, My brother & myself.

I covet for a few more minutes of sleep but with my heart palpating and the fluttering sensation in the depths of my stomach would not allow me to do so!

The day has finally come, and there's not a written manual on what to expect or what should I do so I've been Googling materials pertaining to the affair, it's really silly, some people are born with these “instincts”. Unfortunately for me, I've always been a late bloomer, and throughout my childhood and adolescent years I have no recollection of having significance of such affair!

In fact, I’d be the first to oppose such things. I often felt such affair pretentious and somewhat staged. This was before I embarked into the world of wedding photography of course. But I supposed, as time came to past, my beliefs and perception were more full-fledged, and courting with Iman, help changed what I felt about two people committing their lives together as an entity. I saw the beauty in marriage, none of that fairytale nonsense, but the beauty of devoting yourself to each other, going through the good times and bad times and still able to make it together.

So insya’Allah it will be a smooth sailing journey for us when we reach that point of time (: ameen. 

#22 My dream house

The Glass House by Philip Johnson

 image courtesy of  James Welling.

# 21

"I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re  my life, my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together in Jannah"

- Maher Zain

Friday, March 25, 2011


Reciting du'as helps tranquil the sensation of what feels like a plethora of butterflies fluttering in the depths of my stomach! 

A medley of feelings intertwined! (nothing to worry  about Iman, all positive :))

I pray to the Almighty for tomorrow’s affair to be stellar rating (insya’Allah)! Ameen.

just one more day!

because tomorrow, we'll be many steps closer to each other insya'Allah :)


by Him



Thursday, March 24, 2011

thoughts result of static cling

You give me something ♥


Baby, let's just disappear together into the abyss.


The darkness spawns moments where cadence in each anecdote written is no different than the black plague...


I spent the last few hours editing and sorting photos from yesterday's photo shoot. Alhamdulilah, I'm done... I hope!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

une, duex, trois!

I caught a glimpse of my own reflection, simpering to my hearts content with only a few days more until the coveted day dawns upon us. Despite everything that surrounds me, I am truly blessed. ameen. 

Insya'Allah all would go stellar on the 26th of March 2011. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


whoa, just finished work. Outcome: backache and two satisfied florist clients :D ( Insya'Allah!)


"Why do we say the harshest things when we are infuriated?
Like Susie Suh had once sang “It's easier to hate and harder to love”. It is moments like this it makes me realize that negativity easily espouse itself to each and every one of us. 

Words and actions are a powerful thing, sometimes by just saying sorry doesn’t cut it, because hurt has already been inflicted. 

Word from the wise, before you say or do anything to anyone, please consider the consequences." - Balqies Arafia


Uh, I reckon this must be said. I'm not getting married this Saturday! A lot of you have misinterpret my hints, ha-ha :) just be patient alright? Once everything on Saturday goes stellar, I would divulge my secret, insya'Allah :)

Monday, March 21, 2011


As the day draws closer, I can no longer contain my excitement! I'm like Mentos in a bottle of Coke.


Chennai after being punished.


5 more days to many steps being closer to you... insya'Allah :)

"You meet thousands of people, and none of them really touch you, and then you meet one person and your life is changed forever "- Love, Drugs and Everything else


"Remember to always be patient, and appreciate what you have in front of you." - Amanda Sabri

# 13

I can’t blame them for not being able to decipher my trail of thoughts and actions these few weeks that had come to past. 

When everything came to a halt (momentarily, I hope!), I find myself immersed in calamities that I was oblivious to before now being part of my every day. Thus, often leaving  me unruly and emotional…

Insya'Allah we'll find a way to overcome this! 

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Sacrebleu! le jour est presque plus! Je ne peux contenir mon excitation!

Disco-blading @ The Wheels