Saturday, March 26, 2011


I am now betrothed to Iman :) 


more photos here!

Images courtesy of Asyraf Lee, Uncle Jak, My brother & myself.


Miss Amalin~ said...

yayy!! i knew it!! hehe congrats balqies n amirul, so happy for u both! :)

B. Arafia said...

thank you Aimi :)

Z said...

Congratulations Balqies! I'm a uni friend of Ayub's, stumbled upon your blog ages ago...I love the photos you take :) Very serene. I'm also going towards 'this' step of the relationship..really really nervous but excited as well! Hope all goes as planned for you, insyaAllah :)


B. Arafia said...

jazakAllah khair Zureen :) well all the best to you and your half, insya'Allah it would be smooth sailing :D

ps/ Are you Azureen Alya? I reckon I have you on FB :D

and many thanks for the compliments :)

Rumaiza Ali said...

Congrats Balqies :) Alhamdulillah everything went well. Can't wait for you two to get married :D

B. Arafia said...

jazakAllah khair Maiza :D I can't wait too! oops :p I mean I'm cool je :p