Saturday, March 26, 2011

I covet for a few more minutes of sleep but with my heart palpating and the fluttering sensation in the depths of my stomach would not allow me to do so!

The day has finally come, and there's not a written manual on what to expect or what should I do so I've been Googling materials pertaining to the affair, it's really silly, some people are born with these “instincts”. Unfortunately for me, I've always been a late bloomer, and throughout my childhood and adolescent years I have no recollection of having significance of such affair!

In fact, I’d be the first to oppose such things. I often felt such affair pretentious and somewhat staged. This was before I embarked into the world of wedding photography of course. But I supposed, as time came to past, my beliefs and perception were more full-fledged, and courting with Iman, help changed what I felt about two people committing their lives together as an entity. I saw the beauty in marriage, none of that fairytale nonsense, but the beauty of devoting yourself to each other, going through the good times and bad times and still able to make it together.

So insya’Allah it will be a smooth sailing journey for us when we reach that point of time (: ameen. 

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