Monday, March 21, 2011


As the day draws closer, I can no longer contain my excitement! I'm like Mentos in a bottle of Coke.


Miss Amalin~ said...

mentos in coke. hahaha. chill girl! may happiness be yours forever! ;)

B. Arafia said...

haha! the way you phrase 'may happiness be yours forever' sounds like I'm getting married!

Miss Amalin~ said...

nooo, i know u're not getting married ;) getting E******, maybe :P

B. Arafia said...

hmmm not quite also. sorry you guessed wrong :p

Miss Amalin~ said...

aahhh.wrong is it? T__T fine, will hv to wait for Saturday's post then. u better post an update on that day yar! haha :P

B. Arafia said...

okay close la but just wait k!