Tuesday, June 5, 2012


June has proven to be a hectic month for me.I am juggling between photography and working with the Chef in a Hat. Workload is pilling up, and I feel like I need to duplicate myself to keep the show going!

 I'll be traveling a lot this month insya'Allah for work and pleasure. Hence why I'm rushing to meet datelines so when I'm out of town, I can be at peace and not glued to my iPhone or laptop. ..(yeah, right!). 

Here's a sneak peek to where I'm off to:

First location from the 21st-24th of June

Second location from 29th of June - 1st of July. 

I was supposed to head down to Sydney, Australia on the 14th of June for an assignment but it got postponed to some time August. Oh well, at least I am traveling! Now back to work! 

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