
Monday, January 30, 2012


Kak Geeann is back home for my wedding! Yahoo! Kak Gee Ann has always been like an older sister to me, I spent most of my childhood years with her. We both went through a 'Harriet the Spy' phase, I was her young side-kick, we also used to play masak-masak, where she would cook exquisite invisible meals for me. I remembered one time, my late uncle, Papa Cho (kak Gee Ann's dad) got her, her first analog camera. It was pink in color, but then again, back then half of her things were pink (haha!) she would dress me up in her own creations and take photos of me (Kak Gee Ann you remember? ha-ha I found the photo somewhere!). 

Now that many years have come to past, she never ceases to inspire me. She cooks really scrumptious meals that are not make-believe, she runs a fashion boutique in Melbourne and is on the way to be a full-fledged architect. 

Insya'Allah, Allah S.W.T will watch over you and always bless you :) I love you Kak GeeAnn!


  1. that's so beautiful bella! I cant wait to celebrate this beautiful day with you, may allah bless you ! and bless you both on such a joyous occasion. i love you!!!

  2. I love you too kak geeann! <3
