
Monday, January 30, 2012


Heart palpitations have been frequent, merely two days away! Had a nice long chat with Iman, was making up for those past couple of weeks absent from each other's proximity and less than 5 minute phone conversations which was driving us a bit wonky (well, one of us)! but insya'Allah all that would be cured this Thursday (: 

Last night was an eventful night! Sarah and Awin organized my hen's night party. The theme was Mad Hatter's tea party, I obviously came as Alice (in wonderland). Would love to post photos, but due to it being a girl's only party, I was off with my hijab. 

I left the house looking like this: 

make up by Auntie Susah Oh of Benefit Robinson, Gardens Mid valley. 

Sarah did not realize I had a big bow hidden under my hijab, the entire road trip went like this "how on earth are you Alice?" I replied "wait and see."

Kah Mun, Cousin K, Nabilah, Jessica & Brenda.

Sarah's childhood friend Mardhy, Cousin M, Awin, Irene & Andrea.

Playing Taboo

It was a stellar rating night, despite some of my cousins and close friends could not make it. I enjoyed the companion nevertheless! Thank you to all of you who made time to spent my last few days as a bachelorette

Apart from that, spent the whole Sunday afternoon at Nena's watching the Pioneers of dowry tray architects craft their masterpiece. I had no say or whatever except for choice of flowers, color and thread. the rest was left to them;

Bridezilla Diva #1 - My dearest Ayah

Well, tomorrow later today will be yet another busy day, I've got my make up trial with Teyn and I need  to pick up my wedding dresses. I am stoked in excitement, it's really a roller coaster journey I kid you not! But insya'Allah all worth it. Nothing great is ever easy to achieve, but with patience and faith, and with God's will, greatness will be attain. Assalamualaikum, and good night! 

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