Friday, April 1, 2011

Miles apart, but some things never change!

Balqies: Hey did you guys hear what happened in Koh Samui?

Sufi: Isn't Koh Samui a Singer?

Nat & Balqies : -____-"
  • Marisha Naz omg when was this?! heheh misss u sufffiii and u two !
    about an hour ago ·
  • Balqies Arafia Zaed ‎5 seconds ago
    about an hour ago ·
  • Sufi Hateki omg damn you -.-
    about an hour ago ·
  • Balqies Arafia Zaed we're having a 3 way call on skype :D
    about an hour ago ·
  • Balqies Arafia Zaed Sufi, you know I love you and it's okay if Geography isn't your best subject :D
    about an hour ago ·
  • Christopher Teo Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhaahah! That's Sufi right there!!!
    about an hour ago ·
  • Natalie Ong hehehe...ah this moment is going down in history man lol
    about an hour ago ·
  • Marisha Naz lol, so reblog worthy.
    about an hour ago · · 1 personLoading...
  • Sufi Hateki nooooooooooooooooo!!!
    about an hour ago ·
  • Marisha Naz doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    about an hour ago ·
  • Christopher Teo Clown la Sufi :p
    about an hour ago ·
  • Balqies Arafia Zaed apparently Choon How doesn't know where Koh Samui is too -_- mmg sehati sejiwa la
    about an hour ago ·
  • Christopher Teo Veli nice, and Mr Ratanam was his favorite teacher. Dissapointing to him
    about an hour ago · · 1 personLoading...
  • Sufi Hateki hahahahaha no comment !!
    about an hour ago ·
  • Marisha Naz well obviously the time they spent together was not discussing geography!
    about an hour ago ·
  • Sufi Hateki yeah more like biology -.- HAHAHAHAHAH
    about an hour ago · · 1 personLoading...
  • Balqies Arafia Zaed she just burned herself.
    4 minutes ago ·

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