
Sunday, January 15, 2012


the silence of this blog is so deafening! I apologize for the lack of updates as I haven't had much time to blog with our wedding being merely 17 days away! 

I had my first bridal fitting last Friday. I was stoked with excitement and yet at the same time, terrified if I had put on any weight, but Alhamdulilah, I actually lost a few inches, so my dresses were loose! *cues applause*

The next two week before I embrace life as Mrs. Amirul is going to be very eventful insya'Allah! will be visiting the spa for my pre-bridal bath, the nail parlor for mani and pedis, the salon, my hen's night .. ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. omg omg omg i cant believe this!! your countdown here is scaring me, i cnt imagine hw u must feel darling! ahhhhhhhhhh!

    lets all go krazy and wear all ayu in baju kurung for your wildddd hens night! :p ;p

  2. baju kurung on my hen night? you mad bro? haha!
