
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The sky looks pale grey for the past few days that had come to past. The sun barely came out to play today. Sunny August slowly dissipates making room for the prelude of September; Drenched to dampness.

Eid’s around the bend. With that being said, preparations are on tow, because I have yet to receive my pay cheque from last month’s job. It sounds like a gloomy start for me, but fret not! I will not let overdue payments falter my Eid spirit! This is after all my last Eid as Miss Balqies insya'Allah (: , I can't wait to be Mrs.  Amirul 'Awesome' Iman *swoons*!

Anyhow, I was inspired to reenact Ben’s General food store Orecchiette Pasta with Baby Peas & Rocket (well sans the peas because I hate the bland taste of peas). Delicious, if I do say so myself!

this was before I smothered it with shaved Parmesan.

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