
Sunday, August 7, 2011


The mid seasons sale gave me a perfect reason to go shopping for my dowry gifts for Iman. I'm so glad that I have only three more items left to purchase. The remaining two are the traditional items like the sirih dara (please don’t ask me what this is or its purpose, I’m not very sure of the Malay customs and traditions) and the Manisan (chocolate, sweets, cake, fruits, etc..). 

 A modern take of the Sirih Junjung/Dara.

I should really start focusing my attention on the guest list; I did not think the wedding guest list would be so time-consuming! Thank god for my tante Su! She has a list of our relatives so I can use that as reference. 

After Eid, I need to discuss with my graphic designer a.k.a cousin Eleanor over the invitation and thank you cards (thanks Ellie, you’re awesome!). Meet up with the tailor for my solemnization, reception, man’s side reception dress … whoa that was a mouthful! 

I have five lima cing eu পাঁচ خمسة 五年vissi חמש fünf पांच cinque năm more months to go! Oh my god, where did the days go by? 

Insya'Allah, all will go smooth sailing! Ameen! 

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