
Thursday, May 19, 2011


My uncle Taufiq, is a lawyer cum writer, I am always enthralled by his pieces. Hopefully one day I could write like him.

I assume he was inspired after seeing my new profile picture and wrote this:

your profile pic - Its a french movie (it has to be, look at the expression on your face). You, Penelope, are entrapped by the French Police in a drug-mule sting to catch your Moroccan boyfriend. He is bad, but you are attracted by bad boys. You see a man behind the counter, wondering.. Is he an undercover cop? You wanna call Habshi (thats your boyfriend's name) to warn him... but you are afraid. You nervously search for your gitanes (all french heroine must smoke) in your pocket, but find instead a coin. Its an old Roman coin that your History teacher, Ms. Julianne gave you. You used it once before to decide whether to go on a date with Habshi. You decide to use it just one more time... and let Fate decide whether you will call your amour or not. "Then at least it will not be my fault anymore..." you were thinking. You flick the coin into the air. It felt like an eternity before the coin fell into your palm. Heads or Tail, penelope?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man, this feels like something out of a Godard film! So awesome.
