
Saturday, May 14, 2011


What is it with men and keyboards?

image courtesy of Google

Before we get into things, I should explain that question on top. For the past few months that had come to past, I’ve been following Iman on his keyboard escapade.  Without fail, I would always find myself walking behind him heading towards the keyboard aisle. A medley of keyboards all neatly arranged some wireless, makes nice clicker sounds, ridiculously small, way bigger than my head and absurdly overpriced!  I thought it was a momentarily thing, but I was so wrong. It got so intense a few weeks back, when I caught him air typing! My poor fiancĂ© I thought.

So indecisive, we came out empty handed. I took matters into my own hands yesterday. I headed to Digital Mall, and bought him the keyboard he had been eying for the past couple of months.  I drove to his office and called him out, we talked for a little. We talked about work, about Bali, me being away. He couldn’t stop nagging about how I’m leaving him for three days.

 Then I said “well, it’s just three days plus I think I have something for you that would take your mind off the fact that I am away”. I passed him a white plastic bag, and immediately he figured what it was. He was so excited, I felt like I just gave a little boy a box of matchbox cars. Instead of a thank you, he joked “oh man, if I knew you were going to buy I would have asked for the most expensive one!”  At this point, he was about to receive another gift from me, a knuckle sandwich. But I knew he was joking (I hope), so the entire time he was hugging the box not letting go. When we got back to his place, first to see it was his mother. Then he later showed it off to his sister, tsk tsk

He was stoked with excitement when he finally opened the box containing his new precious.  I’m not surprised if he has already given it a name.  Despite not being able to fathom this strange fetish in regards to men and their keyboards, whatever makes Iman happy, makes me happy (terms and conditions apply).

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