Saturday, May 7, 2011


I was at the hospital yesterday visiting my cousin and my new born niece. I was stoked with excitement. I love the smell of new born babies, I can't fathom the smell. Perhaps once I've a child of my own I'd be able to enlighten you all.

A few days back, was talking to Iman about how I did not want children immediately after marriage. Is it normal to be clad in fear? My mind was pregnant with thoughts. New born infants are so delicate. I have this fear of not being able to hold my own child properly. So many what if's ... this is all foreign to me. Of course, I did not tell Iman this, I kept giving him really lame excuses which annoyed him "I'm not ready ... we're not ready... we're not financially stable, etc.." but he talked to me, reminded me that regardless of my reasons I would somehow know what to do once I've come to that stage and I should be happy if it's our rezeki (insya'Allah) to have a child early.


Children are a source of delight and an adornment for the world granted by Allah to their parents, they give vigor to the hearts, joy to the souls, pleasure to the eyes. They are the fruit from whom good is to be hoped for when they frequently supplicate:

"Our Lord! Bestow on them your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small" [Noble Quran 17:24]

1 comment:

a.j. said...

owh so cute