
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I got an internship offer from my dream broadcaster today. It left me stoked with excitement. The excitement died moments later. What dawned to me was, if I were to accept this six months internship, I would be 4055 nautical miles away from home, away from my family and friends...away from Iman!

 Iman and I had a talk about it earlier, he didn't say much except for the fact he said "it's not really nice working for the Arabs you know". I chuckled. I knew what he really meant. Perhaps the entire statement meant something else, only Iman would know. 

I could always ask if there is an internship program for their HQ in Kuala Lumpur. Insya'Allah there is. It would be one heck of an experience!


  1. umamah4.5.11

    An internship in Al-jazeera? Wow. Congratulations balqies! :) hopefully you'll be placed in kl.

  2. yeah! hopefully posted in KL but going to Kuwait would be a lifetime experience .. maybe I'll appreciate people and things around me better living in fear ... hmmm
