
Saturday, April 23, 2011


Luncheon with Iman's and his auntie Ani's family at Dapoer Bandung.

 Photos by Ayub & Me

More photos later, I'm currently at the office. The weather has been unpredictable these days. With the bright afternoon sun surrendering to the heavy rain. On my way back home, I could vaguely see the road, I was driving in fear, even though I've driven in far worst weather, especially with the fact that I live on top of a hill, well sort of and am surrounded by the medley of tall big trees, and there were reminiscence of tree branches on the wet asphalt road, I'm very fortunate to be driving after those branches have fallen and not during. Alhamdulilah. 

Well, I best be off, need to get ready for dinner tonight @ Shook!  :) 

Have a stellar rating evening! Salam & goodbye!


  1. Thanks for tagging along for lunch! Love the company. Love the Food. and Love the DSLR!

    Peace, Love and Prosperity to the owner of Glittering Picanto!

  2. it was my pleasure, a good excuse to get out of the house is when socializing with future family members and good food is concern :p

    okay, not funny in regards to glittering Picanto =_=' there goes my manhood <-- HAHA!
