
Thursday, April 14, 2011


today of all days I showed how brilliant I was! I accidentally locked my car keys in the car. You cannot imagine what was running through my mind! I kept quiet at one corner, and let Iman accompany the locksmith while he tried to unlock my car. Atfer a couple of minutes that came to past, he finally managed to unlock the car. Alhamdulilah. The locksmith was the hero of today. 

Note to self: 1) Duplicate car key. 2) Keep key in handbag. 3) Do not lock car lock manually.

Hero of the day:


  1. Aghh I think I would've cried if I was in your shoe, thankfully you have someone to help :) I am glad you made it back in your car with little damage :P and yeah it sucks when things like this happens ;)


  2. yeah thank god my fiance was with me, I would have opted to smash the window :p
