Monday, June 27, 2011


to hell with anonymous! I reckon I know who she is. An old acquaintance from the past, who yearns for attention because she's not getting any else where, rather than give her the pleasure of patronizing me on my own personal space on the WWW, I'm ignoring her. I sat transfixed by this childish act of hers, it is really silly when you think about it. Unfortunately for Some people, they never really left high school.

anyhow, I took a week off from work and Sufinas is back in motherland, so much catching up to do! *cues applause* 

June is coming to an end, and I would like to have the last few days of June surrounded by a medley of memories (expecting good ones) . I'm not letting anyone bring me down! Not you or you or you!

Have a great Monday, don't let the Monday blues bug bite you ;)

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