Friday, May 6, 2011


Kuwait - 4055 nautical miles away from home. If I do consider the offer, I fly off in three weeks time and would call this home for 6 months. My father reckons I should go for it but my heart feels heavy to accept this great offer. They've yet to reply me in regards to a position in the Kuala Lumpur HQ.

Anyway, it's 4:44 in the morning ... it never occurred to me before that you could be surrounded by a throng of people yet feel so... so alone!

moi préparent pour le revoir, parce que c'est le seule chose je n'ai jamais connu


Anonymous said...

balqies you can't go!

B. Arafia said...


alex said...

go for it la! but ur wedding planning all how? ur tunang kasi ke pergi jauh jauh?

Sarah said...

qiks wow! that is great! xoxo