Monday, April 25, 2011


My aunt & I (my hair looks disgusting!)

 Photos by Her & cousin Sara (last one)

I accompanied my mother yesterday night to a wedding. My cousin Sara's, cousin Laena's wedding (okay I think I just confused myself there!). I rarely find myself enjoying wedding receptions but this one was different. The bride and groom had provided disposable  cameras for each table to snap photographs of their wedding. Cool concept no? 

I was thinking the same for mine, but instant cameras like Polaroid or Fujufilm instax mini, but these toy cameras are not cheap, I would buy one for myself but provide for perhaps 700 guest or even half of that number I reckon not. My financial adviser a.k.a fiance would skin me alive if I went to the utmost (mustering your utmost is good, but DEPENDING on the circumstances of course!).

Anyway, back to Kak Laena's wedding, it was a really nice and chic wedding, it was quite intimate. There was perhaps less than 400 guests. Dessert was the ultimate! Ice Cream cake! Now how often do you go to weddings that serve Ice cream cake for dessert?

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